OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


Jan Skopeček

Chamber of Deputies of Czechia

Member of Parliament



Deputy speaker of the House of Representatives Ing. et Ing. Jan Skopeček, Ph.D. was born in 1980 in Hořovice. He started in politics at the regional and municipal level. He is a representative of the city of Hořovice. From 2004 to 2020, he was a representative of the Central Bohemian Region, for a year he worked as a councilor for education and sports. Between 2006 and 2013, he was an advisor to President Václav Klaus. He has been a member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic since 2017, in the period 2017 - 2021 he served as deputy chairman of the budget committee and member of the committee for European affairs, and since November 2021 he is the deputy chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic and deputy chairman of the organizing committee. He is the chairman of the ODS Regional Association of the Central Bohemian Region.

This biography was provided by the member for his/her last participation in a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network. The OECD is not liable for its content.