OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


Ignacio Loyola

Chamber of Deputies of Mexico

Member of Parliament



Agronomist Engineer. Currently Federal Deputy for District 3 of Querétaro. Secretary of the Energy Commission. Recently presented an Initiative to ethically regulate artificial intelligence and robotics. Author and promoter of the #ConstitutionalMoratorium, a concept that turned into a social movement, which, through citizen pressure, allowed for the signing of an agreement in which PAN-PRI-PRD committed not to approve any law emanating from the Federal Executive that modifies the Constitution until after 2024. In 2023, was one of the 13 individuals who met the requirements to participate in the selection process for the person responsible for building the Broad Front for Mexico. First PAN governor in the state of Querétaro from 1997 to 2003.

Cette biographie a été fournie par le membre lors de sa dernière participation à une réunion du Réseau parlementaire mondial de l'OCDE. L'OCDE n'est pas responsable de son contenu.