OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


Reinhold Lopatka

European Parliament

Member of Parliament

Parlement européen


Reinhold Lopatka, Ph.D., is a Member of the European Parliament and former member of the Austrian National Council, chairs the Committee on EU Affairs and serves as deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He served as State Secretary (State Minister) in three Austrian ministries: the Federal Chancellery, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of European and International Affairs (2007-2013). Since 2020, he has been Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and since 2021 he has been serving as VP of the OSCE PA. In 2022, Lopatka has been appointed as Chair of the Coordination Mechanism of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, where parliamentary assemblies from all regions of the world work together on counter-terrorism issues. Since 2023, he has been serving as VP of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Parti politique

ÖVP / Austrian People's Party

Cette biographie a été fournie par le membre lors de sa dernière participation à une réunion du Réseau parlementaire mondial de l'OCDE. L'OCDE n'est pas responsable de son contenu.