OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


Seema Malhotra

House of Commons

Member of Parliament



Seema Malhotra MP is the Labour and Cooperative Member of Parliament for Feltham and Heston in the United Kingdom, and Shadow Minister for Skills and Further Education. She was Shadow Minister for Business and Consumers from 2021-23, prior to which she held the positions of Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury and Shadow Minister for Employment. She is chair of the APPG on Entrepreneurship. She founded and chairs a local charity, Hounslow’s Promise, focused on education attainment, social mobility and employability of young people. She is a former chair of the Fabian Society and is the Founder and President of the Fabian Women’s Network.

Parti politique

Labour & Co-operative Party

Cette biographie a été fournie par le membre lors de sa dernière participation à une réunion du Réseau parlementaire mondial de l'OCDE. L'OCDE n'est pas responsable de son contenu.