OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


Stephan Thomae

German Bundestag

Member of Parliament



Born on 19 June 1968 in Kempten; Roman Catholic; married; three children. Obtained Abitur (higher-education entrance qualification) at Carl-von-Linde academic secondary school in Kempten in 1987. Completed compulsory basic military service from 1987 to 1988 in the mountain medical service. Studied history and law in Munich and Speyer from 1988 to 1998, graduating with a Magister Artium in history, and passing the first and second state examination in law. Completed compulsory period of practical legal training in Kempten and at the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Delhi and Calcutta. Has practised as a lawyer since 1998. Member of the FDP. Member of the Oberallgäu county council. Member of the German Bundestag since 2017 Parliamentary Secretary of the FDP parliamentary group in the German Bundestag

Cette biographie a été fournie par le membre lors de sa dernière participation à une réunion du Réseau parlementaire mondial de l'OCDE. L'OCDE n'est pas responsable de son contenu.