OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


Andrés Celis

CĂ¡mara de Diputadas y Diputados de Chile

Member of Parliament



H. Diputado ANDRÉS CELIS ProfesiĂ³n: Egresado de Derecho. Periodos Parlamentarios: 2018-2022 y 2022-2026. Partido PolĂ­tico: RenovaciĂ³n Nacional. Representa al Distrito: Nº 7, RegiĂ³n de Valparaiso. Es integrante de las Comisiones Permanentes de MinerĂ­a y EnergĂ­a: Salud; Deporte y RecreaciĂ³n.

This biography was provided by the member for his/her last participation in a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network. The OECD is not liable for its content.