OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


Ernesto Bustamante

Congress of the Republic of Peru

Member of Parliament



Congressman of the Republic of Peru 2021-2026 PhD in Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine MS in Biochemistry & BS in Biology, Universidad Cayetano Heredia Professor of Biochemistry, Universidad Cayetano Heredia Research Professor of Cellular & Developmental Biology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine Visiting Professor Research Fellow, and Visiting Researcher at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and University of Chile School of Sciences President of BioGenomica, AB Chimica Laboratorios, & BelgaMedica S Chief of National Institute of Health of Peru President of National Health Fisheries Agency Director of National Biotechnology Programme General Director for Mining Environmental Affairs at the Ministry of Energy & Mines Member of Board at CONAM (Environmental Council) Dean of the National College of Biologists

Political party

Fuerza Popular

This biography was provided by the member for his/her last participation in a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network. The OECD is not liable for its content.