OECD Global Parliamentary Network Members


BenoƮt Piedboeuf

Belgian Chamber of Representatives

Member of Parliament



BenoƮt Piedboeuf is a Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives since 2014. He started his political career in 1989 as the first alderman of the French-speaking municipality of Tintigny in Belgium. In 1999, he became Burgomaster, a position he has held ever since. In 2003, he became a permanent Member of Parliament, heading the economic division, the technical services and the art purchasing competence. During his mandate as a permanent member of parliament, BenoƮt Piedboeuf contributed to numerous projects, such as the creation of a specific cell for site coordination and safety, or the creation of an economic cell to serve companies and aid organisations for SMEs. In 2014, he became effective in the Finance, Health, Accounting and SECAL Committees. In 2019, he then became effective in the Finance Committee, First VP in the Accounting Committee, Chairman of the Court of Auditors sub-committee, and effective in the Prosecution and Concertation Committee.

Political party

Liberal Party

This biography was provided by the member for his/her last participation in a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network. The OECD is not liable for its content.