OECD Local Development Forum 2024 - Building Bridges, Shaping Tomorrow

WeRIn project (Women Entrepreneurs in Inclusive Regional Ecosystems)

Programme info


WeRin is a project funded by the ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance programme during 2020-2024. Partners ranged across 6 European countries (Croatia, Germany, Ireland, Norway, The Netherlands and Turkey). It aims at increasing the engagement and participation of female graduate entrepreneurs; promoting and embedding inclusive entrepreneurship education; encouraging and inviting more women to participate and lead entrepreneurship that moves beyond its boundaries of economic growth to encompass social enrichment and community development. It directly contributes to the SDG 4 Quality Education, SDG 5 Gender Equality and SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. It also indirectly contributes to SDG 10 Reduce Inequalities, and SDG17 Partnerships for the Goals. The aims of WeRin are: Increase the share of female graduate entrepreneurs and ensure they are firmly integrated in regional entrepreneurial ecosystems across Europe. Inclusion of entrepreneurship education and support programmes from a gender and structural perspective. Make women feel invited to the entrepreneurship scene, while going beyond the boundaries of Higher Education into their regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, and to ensure that female entrepreneurs can become a key part of these.

Contact person

Dr. Wei Xiong




WeRin: Capacity Building