OECD Local Development Forum 2024 - Building Bridges, Shaping Tomorrow


Elianne Demollin-Schneiders

Province of Limburg (NL)

Regional Minister

Elianne Demollin-Schneiders (1968) was born in Maastricht and grew up as a farmer's daughter in Eckelrade. She studied cattle farming at the HAS in Den Bosch (1986-1991), post-HBO environmental engineering at the HTS in Den Bosch (1991-1992) and law at the UM in Maastricht (2003-2011), where she completed two masters ( Dutch Law and Globalization & Law). She worked in the business world from 1992 to 1994 (soil remediation) and at the municipality of Heerlen in several positions from 1994 to 2018 (soil remediation, energy coordinator, program manager new energy and economy). After her training as a mediator (2018), she started her own company and during the COVID-19 period she started working part-time at the Academic Affairs department of the Open University in Heerlen in addition to her company. She has been a director of a Dutch-German organization for the promotion of sustainable energy (Energy Hills) and has held three supervisory positions (care institution de Keerderberg, the Limburgse Zorgboeren cooperative and housing association ZAAM wonen). She is a member of harmony Diligentia in Eckelrade and EVA (Eckelraadse Vrouwen Activities). Elianne lives with her family in Eckelrade.

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