The OECD Survey on Blended Finance Funds and Facilities represents a major step forward to consolidate evidence and provide further policy guidance in support of the OECD DAC Blended Finance Principles, whose focus is unlocking commercial finance for the Sustainable Development Goals. The 180 responses collected in 2018 illustrate to what extent blended finance funds and facilities vary widely in characteristics and functioning. Collectively, the managing organisations reported over USD 60.2 billion invested in 111 developing countries at the end of 2017.
The OECD will present findings from the 2018 survey edition relating to:
• The management, capital structure, investment strategy and portfolio allocation of the surveyed blended finance funds and facilities,
• Their development strategy, performance tracking and evaluation approach
This new evidence confirms trends observed on the broader blended finance market (priority sectors, geographical coverage, targeted SDGs), while shedding light on additional aspects (e.g. investors, clients and investment instruments). The discussion will benefit from additional insights:
• The German Institute for Development Evaluation (Deval) will share key learnings from a recent evaluation study on Structured Funds involving German development cooperation.
• The Global Impact Investing Network will relate their experience in conducting the Annual Impact Investor Survey.
• The Wharton Social Impact Initiative will present its ongoing research on the private equity and venture capital market.