Private Finance for Sustainable Development Conference-2020


Alice Gugelev

Managing Director
Global Development Incubator (GDI)


Alice is the Managing Director of Global Development Incubator (GDI) and CEO of GDI Africa where she leads a portfolio of initiatives that drive large scale social change in investment, blended finance, financial inclusion, SME development, economic livelihoods, youth employment and education. Several key initiatives that Alice has led include Bretton Woods II: 25 Most Responsible Asset Allocators to move $25 Trillion of assets into SDG-aligned investments in emerging markets; Innovative Financing for Development Report resulting in the creation of Convergence.Finance blended investment platform; Collaborative for Frontier Finance to unlock capital for small and growing businesses, the Global Opportunity Youth Initiative and the Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond. Alice is currently leading GDI's partnership with the Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP) Secretariat, a team responsible for driving investment into a 6 county economic bloc on the Kenyan coast. GDI is focused on designing and incubating the Jumuiya Technical Investment Team with a specialised mandate to mobilise and structure appropriate financing of ~USD8 billion required investment for development projects identified in the 2020-2030 Economic Blueprint for the Kenyan Coast. Alice also leads the Capital Advisory Platform in partnership with UN Habitat with the launch of the Cities Investment Facility schedule for the World Urban Forum in February 2020. Prior to GDI, Alice spent six years with Bain & Company in Singapore and Bangkok, where she focused on market growth, multi-factor cost models, pricing strategy, and merger integration in the finance, consumer product, private equity, and technology sectors. Alice also spent five years on the trading floor managing assets and liabilities for Fortune 500 companies in the US and Asia. After the currency crisis in 1997, she started the fixed income derivatives desk in SE Asia for multinational corporations with The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi. Alice earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and has a double major BA in International Economics and East Asian Studies from Columbia University and Stanford Japan Center. Alice is also the co-author or the highly acclaimed “What’s Your Endgame?” article published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review and widely shared at the Skoll World Forum in Oxford and Ashoka Future Forum in DC.