Forum 2020 Series: Communicating on Public Health and Vaccines in a Climate of Misinformation


Ethan Lindenberger

Pro-vaccination activist


Ethan Lindenberger is a young American activist known for his opposition to anti-vaccine disinformation campaigns. He received vaccinations, against his mother's wishes, once he turned 18 years of age. In March 2019, Lindenberger was invited to attend a US Senate hearing that dealt with the spread of diseases that can be easily prevented but are returning because of the dissemination of misleading information on vaccines. He has also spoken at a high-level United Nations event on combating vaccine misinformation. His outspoken advocacy for vaccines has earned him praise from medical professionals and the public health community, but his activism has also drawn the ire of anti-vaccine individuals, who often harass him with abusive comments and messages on social media platforms.