Jennifer Peyser

Responsible Business Alliance / Responsible Minerals Initiative

SVP / Executive Director


Jennifer Peyser is Senior Vice President of Responsible Sourcing at the Responsible Business Alliance and Executive Director of the Responsible Minerals Initiative. The RMI supports its 500+ downstream, midstream, and upstream members with a suite of due diligence tools and data, guidance, training, and other resources for global responsible sourcing and regulatory compliance. The RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process facilitates independent, third-party assessments; provides training and technical assistance to smelters and refiners; and generates the RMI Conformant Lists. Jen has also designed and led global, multi-stakeholder partnerships and projects at the intersection of human rights, sustainability, and natural resources, including the Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade, the CRAFT Code (with Alliance for Responsible Mining), and the Journey of Gold virtual reality short film. Jen serves on the Board of the Global Battery Alliance. Jen has a master’s degree in environmental policy and planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and undergraduate degrees in science and arts from Iowa State University.

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