2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains


Mauricio Cabrera Leal

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia

Viceminister of Environmental Policy and Standarization


Mauricio Cabrera Leal, Vice Minister of Environmental Policies and Regulations of the Colombian Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. Mauricio is a geologist from the Federal University of Amazonas in Brazil, and a specialist in Remote Sensing. He was Environmental Comptroller, deputy director of the Colombian Environmental Research Institute IDEAM, advisor on environmental policies applied to the productive sectors, with emphasis on mining environmental regulations at the Ministry of the Environment and advisor on government relations at WWF Colombia, coordinator of GEF projects, as well as consultant for the UNDP, World Bank, ECLAC and NRGI. Mauricio Cabrera Leal, Viceministro de Políticas y Normatividad Ambiental del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible de Colombia. Es geólogo de la Universidad Federal de Amazonas en Brasil y especialista en Teledetección. Fue Contralor Ambiental, subdirector del Instituto Colombiano de Investigaciones Ambientales IDEAM, asesor en políticas ambientales aplicadas a los sectores productivos, con énfasis en normativa ambiental minera en el Ministerio del Ambiente y asesor en relaciones gubernamentales de WWF Colombia, coordinador de proyectos GEF , así como consultor del PNUD, Banco Mundial, CEPAL y NRGI.

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