2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains


Gudrun Franken

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

Head Mining and Sustainability, and Chair of the OECD Multi-stakeholder Steering Group


As head of the Unit Mining and Sustainability at BGR she advises the German government, industry and the public on issues related to responsible mining and sourcing of minerals. With over with 20 years of senior-level experience related to mining and natural resource governance a major focus of her work are due diligence in mineral supply chains and sustainability standards in mining. On behalf of the German Government she is member of the OECD Minerals Working Group to support the implementation of the respective Due Diligence Guidance. Gudrun studied environmental sciences and worked for a decade in International Development Cooperation at BGR on project management of technical cooperation projects and on issues of mineral resource governance.

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