21 de mayo de 2024
07:00 - 08:25
Webinar: Swimming Upstream: Navigating Complexities in Upstream Mineral Supply Chains for Downstream Manufacturers
07:45 - 09:15
Too many abuses, too few benefits? Evidence from the 5th edition of the BHRRC Transition Minerals Tracker on the impacts of transition minerals mining on Indigenous Peoples and local affected communities, and perspectives on enhancing engagement and benefit-sharing
08:00 - 09:30
Investment for sustainable minerals value chains
08:30 - 11:30
Democratic Republic of the Congo, country of opportunities to meet the challenges of the energy transition
09:00 - 10:30
Webinar: Combined approaches to address human rights and labour rights issues in the supply chain of sandstone cobbles in Rajasthan, India
09:45 - 11:15
Using Data to remediate Child Labour in cobalt supply chains
10:15 - 11:45
Make Rightsholders’ Voices Heard: Enhancing effective Grievance Mechanisms in Mineral Supply Chains
12:00 - 13:30
Webinar: The Proactive Role of Investors in addressing forced labor risks in the green transition – What are the expectations?
12:15 - 13:15
Strengthening Anti-corruption and Business Integrity in the Transition Minerals Value Chain: Key for a Just Energy Transition
12:15 - 14:00
Strengthening collaboration between upstream and downstream responsible mineral supply chain programmes for enhanced mineral supply chain due diligence in the African Great Lakes Region
12:30 - 14:00
Promise and challenges of implementing the blue status of artisanal mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
14:00 - 16:00
Cooperación mundial para el desarrollo sostenible en el sector de las materias primas
Organizado por la GIZ y la OCDE
La sesión explora los cambios necesarios para una cooperación internacional significativa para el desarrollo sostenible en el sector de las materias primas, debatiendo los retos y oportunidades actuales con representantes de paÃses donantes y paÃses socios ricos en recursos del Sur Global.
- Isabelle Ramdoo, Directora Adjunta del Foro Intergubernamental sobre MinerÃa, Minerales, Metales y Desarrollo Sostenible
- Andreas Schaal, Director de Relaciones Globales y Cooperación, OCDE (por confirmar)
- Embajador João Samuel Caholo, Secretario Ejecutivo de la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Región de los Grandes Lagos (ICGLR)
- Renata Amaral, Secretaria de Asuntos Internacionales y Cooperación, Ministerio de Planificación y Presupuesto, Brasil
- Arifin Tasrif, Ministerio de EnergÃa y Recursos Minerales, Indonesia (por confirmar)
- Désiré Rakotondravaly, Director General de Minas, Madagascar
- Silvia Grandi, Directora General de EconomÃa Circular del Ministerio italiano de Medio Ambiente y Seguridad Energética, Representante de la Presidencia del G7, Italia
Moderadora: Pilar Garrido, Directora de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la OCDE
Idiomas: Inglés, francés, español, chino
14:00 - 16:30
Sustainable Supply Chains: A Pragmatic Discussion about Challenges and Solutions in the supply-side and demand-side, with perspectives from Canadá, Brazil and Europe
14:30 - 16:30
Finding pathways for responsible artisanal and industrial cobalt mining: challenges, experiences and ways forward
14:45 - 16:15
Making Responsible Sourcing Global
14:45 - 16:15
Towards Strengthened Conflict Sensitivity in Sustainability Reporting: Implications for Companies and Impacts on Rights Holders