2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

Using Data to remediate Child Labour in cobalt supply chains

May 21, 2024 | 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM



Organised by ILO Child Labour Platform This session will address the DRC government's new child labour monitoring and remediation system, developed in partnership with the ILO, including results on child labour in ASM based on data collection, the remediation process for 5,346 children who have been identified by CLMRS (which focuses on the empowerment of women and youth), and collaboration with business partners through the Child Labor Platform and the Responsible Minerals Initiative. This information will be useful to all stakeholders wishing to improve their due diligence processes regarding child labour in the mining sector in the DRC. Speakers: - Jacques Ramazani, Secretaire General du Ministère des Mines de la RDC - Nanou Nsuku, cheffe de service de la Chambre des Mines, representante de la de la federation des enterprises du Congo - Guy Kuku Gedila, Coordonnateur national de l’intersyndicale du Congo - Ashley Hagemann, Senior International Relations Officer, US Department of Labor - Fabianna di Lorenzo, Senior Director, Impact and Innovation, Responsible Minerals Initiative - Katherine Torres, ILO Senior Technical Officer Child Labour Platform - Armel Nganzi, ILO Moderator, Project Manager Accelerator Lab 8.7 Languages: French, English More information