Julie Rijpens
Policy Analyst
Julie Rijpens, PhD, is a policy analyst in the Social Economy and Innovation Unit at the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities. Prior to joining the OECD, she has developed an expertise on social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation in academia over 12 years. Julie completed a PhD in Management Sciences at the Centre for Social Economy, University of Liege (Belgium) on social enterprise governance. In 2016, she joined the Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, McGill University (Canada), for a 2.5-year postdoctoral research fellowship on social innovation. More recently, she was a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the HEC Management School, University of Liege. Her research and teaching interests include social economy and social enterprises, especially their governance and business models; the contribution of research-arts alliances in unlocking the potential of social innovation; the impact assessment of social purpose projects; and the business models in emerging fields such as circular economy, renewable energy cooperatives or urban agriculture. In addition to her PhD in Management Sciences, Julie holds an Interuniversity postgraduate degree in Development, Environment and Societies (UCLouvain and University of Liege, Belgium) as well as a Bachelor and a Master degree in Business Engineering (Louvain School of Management, UCLouvain, Belgium). She is fluent in French and English and has a fair knowledge of Spanish and Dutch.