Bertrand Monthubert
GPAI Data Governance Working Group
Bertrand Monthubert is :
- President of the Conseil National de l'Information Géolocalisée, which brings together representatives of the wide variety of players who make up the geo-data ecosystem in France: ministries, public establishments, local authorities, private companies, professional associations, trade unions and citizens' associations, who can meet, decide and co-produce together.
- President of Ekitia, an association of public and private players keen to create a framework of trust for the data economy
- President of OPenIG, Occitanie's regional platform for geographic information
- Co-chair of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) working group on data governance,
He is a key player in the development of data usage at territorial, national and international levels, in the service of citizens' uses and public policies. As such, he is co-author of a report, with Christine Hennion and Magali Altounian, on the theme of Data and Territories, submitted in November 2023 to Stanislas Guérini, Minister for Public Transformation and the Civil Service.
Bertrand Monthubert is Professor of Mathematics at Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier University, of which he is a former President. He directs the Atypie-Friendly program, which aims to make higher education more inclusive for people with neurodevelopmental disorders. Atypie-Friendly is financed by France 2030 and is part of the National Strategy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders.