2024 GPAI Summit Serbia


Milan Zdravkovic

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nis

Associate professor


Dr Milan Zdravković is an associate professor and leading researcher (R4) in applied AI at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš. He has been a research lead for UK-based startup ZenPulsar on the tasks of social media data driven market portfolio asset allocation and balancing. Since 2023, he is a principal investigator of the top-rated project in the area of AI, funded by the Serbian Science Fund, addressing the challenges of heat demand forecasting in the District Heating Systems. He is a member of IFAC TC5.3 and IFIP TC5 WG 5.8 "Enterprise Interoperability" science advisory bodies. He worked/works as an expert evaluator for the European Commission in the frame of Horizon Europe program and other national and international programs. He works as expert for evaluation and mentoring of AI startups in Scientific Technology Park, Belgrade and Niš.

Ses sessions

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