Technology in and for Society: Innovating well for inclusive transitions


Françoise Roure


Ministry of Economy and Finance


Françoise Roure obtained two PhDs with accreditation to supervise research from the University of Paris-1 Pantheon-Sorbonne in Economics (International and Industrial), in 1981 and 1983. She specialized in public policies related to emerging technologies including ICTs and energies at the european and international, intergovernmental levels. She has been active in the fields of intergovernmental dialogues on Nanoscale technologies and novel materials development, ICTs, space and immersive technologies, industrial Synthetic Biology, Ethics, responsible research, innovation and investment in Emerging, Converging and Enabling Technologies, their risks and opportunities. She chaired the former OECD Nanotechnology working party and is the chairperson of the OECD BNCT WP. She published and co-authored a special edition on Neurotechnologies and Responsible innovation in Annales des mines in August 2021 and is a permanent member of the French Task Force focusing on the implemention of OECD recommendation n°0457 on Neurotechnologies and responsible innovation. Dr. Roure has been member of the High Level expert Group of the European Commission in charge of the Next Technology Wave 2020, whose report on Converging Technologies for a diverse Europe (CTEKs) was an answer to the US-NSF report on NBIC for Human Enhancement. She has joined the World Economic Forum’s Meta-Council on Emerging Technologies in charge of identifying impact of advanced technologies and their innovative combination for a more inclusive and sustainable world. She is the president of the Ethics and Compliance Committee[1] of the French Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (CED-IRSN). She is member of the Board of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety as the representative of the minister in charge of Industry.

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