Henriette Van Eijl
European Commission
Head of Unit; Economic and Social Transitions (RTD E5)
Dr. Henriette van Eijl leads the unit ‘Economic and Social Transitions’ in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. This unit is tasked to coordinate the definition, development, implementation (especially Horizon Europe) and monitoring of the R&I strategy for Economics and Social transitions, encompassing health, digital and industry, social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage and the creative sector, based on a long-term vision and forward looking activities.
She is an EC official with 15 years' experience in 4 EC Directorates-General and in a national administration, industry and academia in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. Henriette holds a PhD in virology from Oxford University. In her spare time, she is a patron of the Flagey music centre in Brussels and enjoys hiking with her Weimaraner dog.