Global Deal High-level Social Dialogue Forum ''Towards Just Transition and Secure Labour Markets’’


Joaquín Pérez Rey

Government of Spain

Viceminister for Employment and Social Economy


Joaquín Pérez Rey (Madrid, 1973) is a Doctor of Law, with honours. Since 2012 he has been a Professor of Labour and Social Security Law. In 2018 he was named Director of the Department of Labour Law and Social Work at Castilla-La Mancha University. He is the author of, among others, the following books: Estabilidad en el empleo (2004); La transformación de la contratación temporal en indefinida. El uso irregular de la temporalidad en el trabajo (2004); El contrato eventual por circunstancias de la producción (2006); El despido disciplinario (2013); El régimen profesional del trabajo autónomo económicamente dependiente: novedades legales y jurisprudenciales (2016), and in collaboration with Antonio Baylos, El despido o la violencia del poder privado (2009). A regular collaborator with the Primero de Mayo Foundation and the Cipriano García Foundation, he is part of the European and Latin American Centre for Social Dialogue. He has carried out research stays at different European universities and participated in a number of national and international specialized seminars and conferences, especially in Latin America. He formed part of the panel of experts who, at the proposal of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, analyzed the impact of European Union Court of Justice case law on the Spanish hiring system.

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