Blogs, videos, reports, and other content related to the International Conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills
Working paper: Automation Skills Use and Training
This study focuses on the risk of automation and its interaction with training and the use of skills at work.
Read nowPolicy paper: The human capital behind AI
As AI diffuses, it changes the way firms and sectors behave and produce and, with this, the type of tasks that workers need to perform on the job and the skills needed to work with AI. This paper analyses the “skills bundles” demanded in AI-related online job postings.
Read nowWorking paper: Demand for AI skills – Evidence from online job postings
This paper presents new evidence about occupations requiring AI-related competencies, based on online job posting data and previous work on identifying and measuring developments in AI.
Read nowOECD Skills and Work
Visit the OECD Skills and Work site to see the Skills for Jobs database and country profiles, Skills and Work blog, and have your say on how careers, skills, and learning have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
MoreOECD.AI: Data highlights and way forward
As AI diffusion and adoption evolve apace, timely data on AI education, jobs, skills, research and other areas can help inform policy. At this session, the OECD will launch a set of new indicators and interactive visualisations showing supply of AI education, jobs and skills and software development by country. This session will feature a short demonstration of new interactive datasets available on the OECD’s AI Policy Observatory (OECD.AI), followed by an exchange with OECD.AI data partners.
MoreOECD TopClass podcast | MIT’s Sanjay Sarma on the human-digital classroom: It doesn’t have to be a Zoom lecture
Remote schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic has opened our eyes to the difficulties of intersecting digital technologies and traditional schooling. Sanjay Sarma, who is Vice President for Open Learning at MIT, talks about online learning and how it can work hand-in-hand with teachers and students… with some serious cognitive science know-how.
Listen nowPolicy brief: Artificial intelligence and employment New evidence from occupations most exposed to AI
In the past, automating technologies have tended to take over routine tasks, but is this trend changing today? Today. high-skilled workers, such as lawyers and engineers, are more likely to be exposed to advances in #AI. Making sure workers have the right skills to work with AI is key.
Learn more about OECD's latest insights on AI and the future of work.
Read nowAI and the Future of Skills: Capabilities and assessments
This report identifies which AI capabilities to assess and which tests to use in the assessment, from both a psychology and computer science perspective. It contains expert contributions that review skills taxonomies and tests in different domains of psychology, and efforts in computer science to assess AI and robotics. It provides extensive discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches.
Read nowOECD Digital Education Outlook 2021: Pushing the frontiers with AI, blockchain and robots
This report explores how smart technologies based on AI, learning analytics and robotics can transform education. It looks at the current use of AI in learning, its benefits and challenges, and explores potential future uses.
Read nowOECD Future of Work
The OECD is monitoring closely how labour markets are changing in response to the mega-trends of technological change, globalisation and population ageing. The aim is to better understand the opportunities and risks associated with these new developments, and provide evidence-based advice on how countries should respond in the areas of skills policy, social protection, labour market regulation and social dialogue.
MoreOECD Adult Learning
The OECD is collecting data to assess the future-readiness of countries’ adult learning systems, and helping countries improve their performance in the area of adult learning by providing policy directions and international good practice example.
MorePolicy paper: Who develops AI-related innovations, goods and services?
The paper explores entities that deploy AI-related technologies or introduce AI-related goods and services on large international markets. It relies on the analysis of Intellectual Property (IP) rights portfolio of firms.
Read nowThe impacts of artificial intelligence on the workplace
As part of this programme of work, the OECD is conducting firm-level case studies to understand what happens when a specific AI-based technology is implemented in a workplace from the perspectives of those most impacted by the changes. The case studies will help in identifying good practice as well as barriers to the adoption of innovative, work-enhancing and trustworthy AI in the workplace.
MoreAI-WIPS: Labour Markets
AI is likely to have a significant impact on the world of work, acting as a substitute to human labour in some tasks, and as a complement in others. It will give rise to entirely new tasks and occupations and potentially change drastically the nature of others. Some tasks and jobs will become safer and less monotonous as a result of the adoption of AI, while others may be at risk of de-humanisation or de-skilling.
More The impact of AI on the labour market: Is this time different?
A new OECD literature review summarises findings of the impact of AI on the labour market. Here are some of the main takeaways
Read nowOpportunities and drawbacks of using artificial intelligence for training
Technological developments are one of the major forces behind the need for retraining, but they can also be part of the solution. In particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to increase training participation, including among currently underrepresented groups, by lowering some of the barriers to training that people experience and by increasing motivation to train.
Read nowThe impact of Artificial Intelligence on the labour market: What do we know so far?
This literature review takes stock of what is known about the impact of artificial intelligence on the labour market, including the impact on employment and wages, how AI will transform jobs and skill needs, and the impact on the work environment. The purpose is to identify gaps in the evidence base and inform future OECD research on AI and the labour market.
Enabling effective AI policies: Launch of the OECD Framework for Classifying AI Systems
The OECD.AI Network of Experts is launching a user-friendly framework that will allow policy makers to classify different types of applied AI systems. The framework helps distinguish AI applications according to their potential impact on individuals, society and planet. Participants will discuss the tool in detail and present concrete examples of how to apply the framework. The panel will also look ahead and discuss the next step for this work: designing an AI risk assessment method building on the Framework.
MoreOECD workshop on AI and the productivity of science
The OECD project on “AI and the Productivity of Science” addressed the critically important issue of the rate of scientific progress, whether this is stagnating, as recently argued by a number of scholars, and how AI could raise the pace of progress in science and discovery. This OECD workshop, a part of the project, brought together technical and policy experts to examine the evidence on a purported productivity decline in science as well as the ways that AI is currently used across different fields of science – from neuroscience to materials science - and across all stages in the scientific process.
MoreEuropean Migration Network (EMN)-OECD Roundtable on Digitalisation and AI in Migration Management: 10 February 2022, 9:30 -15:45 CET
The European Migration Network’s (EMN) inform on the ‘Use of digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in migration management,’ part of the inform series on Innovation in Migration, will be presented during this Roundtable, which aims to foster further debate on the opportunities and challenges of harnessing digital technologies in the migration area, and to showcase innovative practices. Register for public sessions below.
Register here