Congratulations to the class of the Anti-Money Laundering: Current Trends, Prosecutions and Challenges presented by Crypto Assets (Specialty) Programme on your graduation!
The purpose of this site is to provide a collaborative web space for sharing course materials, ideas, and information. This space also facilitates ongoing networking among participants through the participants list. For further information or to make a request to upload materials, please contact the Tax Crime Academy Secretariat at: italy-taxacademy@oecd.org.
Relevant Publications
Click here for a full list of OECD publications and reports on tax and crime
Tax and Crime E-learning modules
Click here for a full list of online courses currently available and a direct link to the registration portal (KSPta).
• Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Indicators: a handbook for tax auditors and tax examiners. (60 min)
This e-learning module provides specific money laundering and terrorist financing indicators that will help auditors and examiners identify these activities during the course of their normal tax audits. The course, which includes a great number of case studies, describes the nature of money laundering and terrorist financing activities, emphasizes the roles of auditors and examiners in countering these practices, and describes practical resources and tools that are available for effective detection and deterrence. The course is based on the OECD publication ‘Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Awareness Handbook for Tax Examiners and Tax Auditors’. Register for free and obtain your OECD certificate. Register here.
• Fighting Tax Crime: The Ten Global Principles (60 min)
The Fighting Tax Crime: Ten Global Principles sets out the 10 essential principles for effectively fighting tax crimes. It covers the legal, institutional, administrative, and operational aspects that countries should put in place in order to fight effectively tax crimes and other financial crimes. The principles were designed drawing on the insights and experience of jurisdictions around the world. The purpose is to allow jurisdictions to benchmark their legal and operational framework, and identify areas where improvements can be made. Register here.
• The Tax Crime Investigation Maturity Model (60 min)
The Tax Crime Investigation Maturity Model aims to help jurisdictions understand where they stand in the implementation of the OECD's Fighting Tax Crime: The Ten Global Principles, based on a set of empirically observed indicators. By setting out indicators for each increasing level of maturity, the model also charts out an evolutionary path for future progress towards the most cutting-edge practices in tax crime investigation across four levels of maturity: Emerging, Progressing, Established and Aspirational. This e-learning module will introduce you to the Maturity Model self-assessment tool, explaining why it is useful and allowing you to understand the four different levels of maturity and how to evaluate them in practice. The module also provides practical visualisations to understand how to conduct the assessment in practice, and how to organise a self-assessment workshop. Register here.
Online Tools
Online tools to enhance international co-operation in tax and other financial crime matters