The Conference Outcome Document dives into four action areas identified by participants and synthesised based on the discussions throughout the Conference and feedback from the CoP-PF4SD Donor Group. These Action Areas aim to serve as the starting point of a collective, co-operative and ambitious journey towards jointly shifting trajectories of the mobilisation agenda.
This session will highlight how collaboration and co-operation can help scale the mobilisation of private finance, by showcasing three concrete examples of effective platforms & initiatives. These enrich the blended finance ecosystem by reducing information asymmetries, increasing operational efficiencies, and fostering greater collaboration. The aim is to share key insights on and from these solutions, to increase co-operation around them and consider ways to replicate them.
MathiasCormannOECDSecretary-GeneralPaulHorrocksOECDHead of the Private Finance for Sustainable Development UnitCarstenStaurOECD Development Assistance CommitteeChair