CoP-PF4SD Conference 2025: Mobilising private finance towards 2030 and beyond

Breakout Session 3-A: Local currency financing: Exploring the challenges and policy solutions available for donors, DFIs and MDBs

February 5, 2025 10:20 AM | 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM



Scaling local currency financing solutions remains crucial for mitigating exchange rate risks, strengthening domestic financial markets and in enhancing economic resilience in developing countries. This session sets out to highlight the obstacles that hinder effective local currency financing, particularly relating to the development of local financial markets. Panellists will discuss solutions, current and potential, that development actors can deploy to overcome these obstacles and what this would mean for investors. The session will specifically explore the role that DFIs and MDBs can have in providing blended finance solutions to improve access to local currency funding, and to support policies that foster more resilient local financial markets.  



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