December 13, 2023
12:00 - 13:00
Launch of the Digital Education Outlook
This session will launch the Digital Education Outlook 2023 with a speech by OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann, a discussion with Estonian Minister of Education Kristina Kallas and a general discussion about possible visions for the digital transformation of the education sector, drawing on the ongoing trends in other sectors of society.
MathiasCormann (OECD)JoãoCosta (Ministry of Education of Portugal)KristinaKallas (Government of Estonia)AnthonyMackay (National Center on Education & the Economy (NCEE), United States)AndreasSchleicher (OECD)
13:00 - 14:00
Digital Education Outlook: Roundtables
This session will be conversational in nature and focus on two roundtables. The first one will discuss the "Opportunities, Guidelines and Guardrails for effective and equitable use of AI in education" that were developed and published by the OECD Secretariat and Education International. The second will bring together policy makers, teachers and researchers to discuss some of the findings of the Digital Education Outlook 2023.
YoungjuHeo (Gyeonggi High School of automotive Science, Korea)KevinJohnstun (Department of Education, United States)AllisonLittlejohn (UCL Knowledge Lab, United Kingdom)AnthonyMackay (National Center on Education & the Economy (NCEE), United States)DonnyPiercey (United States)AndreasSchleicher (OECD)StéphanVincent-Lancrin (OECD)RandiWeingarten (Education International, United States)HyunkyeongYun (SciencesPo)
14:00 - 15:00
Algorithmic bias, equity and data protection
The emergence of AI in education raises new equity and data protection issues. This session will discuss the research about algorithmic bias and present the related chapter of the Digital Education Outlook 2023, and discuss how this relates with other imperatives such as privacy and data protection.
RyanBaker (University of Pennsylvania, United States)NancyLaw (University of Hong Kong, China)PaulPrinsloo (UNISA - University of South Africa)StéphanVincent-Lancrin (OECD)
15:00 - 16:00
Teacher Digital Competencies
Teachers (and other educational staff) are crucial for any digital transformation to happen. They need to have the confidence and competence to use digital tools and resources as part of their teaching. This session will discuss what different countries do to incentivise and support teachers to acquire the pedagogical and digital competences to do so.
JerónimoBernal López (Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, Spain)NatalieFoster (OECD)RossanaLatronico (Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito, Italy)TiaLoukkola (OECD)DonnyPiercey (United States)
16:00 - 17:00
Collaborating with Edtech companies: the ways forward
The education technology (Edtech) industry is a key actor for the digital transformation. They have the competences to develop and market new digital tools. It is thus crucial for governments and public authorities to work with them to reach important goals such as interoperability between Edtech solutions or ensure the effectiveness of education tools and resources. The discussion will involve a variety actors representing or working with the Edtech industry.
Jean-ClaudeBrizard (Digital Promise, United States)MarušaDejak (ROKUS Klett, Slovenia)Aik YangNg (HoloTracker, Singapore)StéphanVincent-Lancrin (OECD)CarolineWright (BESA - British Educational Suppliers Association, United Kingdom)