Online conference: Towards an effective and equitable digital education ecosystem


João Costa

Ministry of Education of Portugal

Minister of Education


João Costa was born in Lisbon in 1972 and he lived and grew up in Setúbal. He graduated in Linguistics from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Letters. He has a PhD in Linguistics, from the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, (1998) and was visiting researcher at MIT. He is Chair Professor of linguistics at the Nova University of Lisbon School of Social and Human Science and he was Director of the Nova University of Lisbon Faculty of Social and Human Science until November 2015. He was President of the Scientific Board of Social Science and Humanities of the Science and Technology Foundation until November 2015. He was Secretary of State in Prime Minister António Costa’s 1st and 2nd Governments; he was member of the National Reading Plan’s Scientific Board, the National Committee of the International Institute of Portuguese Language, and the Camões Institute Advisory Board; he was President of the Portuguese Linguistics Association. He has been guest professor at several universities in Brazil, Macau, Spain, Holland, and Italy. He is on the editorial board of several international linguistics reviews. During the course of his research activity on syntax, the acquisition and development of language and educational linguistics he published several articles, chapters in books, and books.

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