Stakeholder Day Replays
Ministerial replays
Declaration on a Trusted, Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Future
Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data held by Private Sector Entities
Press Briefing
Recommendations on Digital Security
Chair's summary
Announcement of the Global Forum on Technology
The OECD Global Forum on Technology, announced at the Ministerial meeting will be a venue for regular in-depth dialogue to foresee and get ahead of long-term opportunities and risks presented by technology. It will facilitate inclusive, in-depth, multi-stakeholder and values-based discussions on specific technology policy topics, responding to gaps in existing fora. The Global Forum will act as a medium to long-term venue to engage OECD Members and non-Members, in dialogue with industry, trade unions, academia, civil society and technical communities to:
- Foster strategic evidence-based dialogue and international cooperation, informed by external expertise and initiatives, on topics at the forefront of global digital and technology policy debate, including with a view to informing principles and approaches on the basis of shared values.
- Identify and analyse specific technological developments where there are gaps in existing fora, their potential societal, economic, security, and sustainability impacts and the potential implications for policy and regulatory frameworks. Specific technological developments may concern, for examples, quantum computing, semiconductors, and synthetic biology, as well as nexus technologies and technologies that otherwise underpin the successful operation of other technologies.
- Explore nascent approaches to policy challenges and opportunities posed by emerging technologies and business models, including agile regulation, anticipatory policies, and holistic policy frameworks.
- Share of good practices for the governance of technologies to build trust among participants and foster common and coherent approaches based on mutual interests and democratic values.
-Strengthen OECD leadership in technology policy and promote the dissemination of related OECD products and perspectives to a wider audience.
Going Digital III: Data Governance for Growth and Well-being
Find out more about the
Going Digital Project
Responding to societal challenges with data
Fostering cross-border data flows with trust
Data shaping firms and markets
Measuring the value of data and data flows
Data in an evolving technological landscape
Data governance indicators
Ministerial Themes
Digital enablers of the global economy
Building better societies through digital policy
Putting people first in digital transformation
Harnessing the power of AI and emerging technologies
Digital enablers of the global economy
Building better societies through digital policy
Putting people first in digital transformation
Harnessing the power of AI and emerging technologies
Going Digital to Advance Data Governance for Growth and Well-being
Going Digital Guide to Data Governance Policy Making
Responding to societal challenges with data: Access, sharing, stewardship and control
Fostering cross-border data flows with trust
Data shaping firms and markets
Measuring the value of data and data flows
Data in an evolving technological landscape
Data governance indicators
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