OECD Forum on Gender Equality

Forum Agenda


1 : June 10, 2024
08:30 - 09:00
Registration & Welcome coffee
Participants registration. Networking opportunities to set the tone for the day.
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30
Session 1: Uniting gender equality and climate action in the net-zero journey
This session will delve into the relationship between the transition to a net-zero economy and gender equality for climate neutrality and resilience, including women’s roles as leaders and sustainability champions. It will explore the impacts of climate change and pollution on women as well as unique challenges women encounter in having their voices heard in addressing these challenges. It will also provide an opportunity to present success stories of how these are being overcome, including through international development co-operation. Additionally, the discussion will focus on dismantling barriers created by deeply entrenched social norms and barriers to equality, highlighting avenues for women to access economic opportunities and leadership roles in advancing green economic activities for climate mitigation and adaptation, and ecosystems protection, at the national, regional and local level.
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30
Session 2: Energising gender equality in the energy transition era
This session will highlight the gender dynamics in the context of the energy sector's transformation, by dissecting the present landscape and paving the way for a more inclusive energy transition. It will unpack strategies to develop gender-responsive energy policies, ensuring that women are not only bearing the costs of the transition, but are active contributors and beneficiaries of the energy transition. The discussion will further touch upon the economic opportunities and main challenges of women workers participating in the green energy sector.
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 - 17:30
Session 3: Addressing digital gender gaps and the impact of digital technologies on the mental health of women and girls
The digital transformation provides new avenues for the empowerment of women and girls. However, discrimination, negative stereotypes, and social and cultural biases create challenges for women and girls to thrive in a highly digital economy and society. Women and girls are often less likely to pursue or have limited access to educational opportunities in a highly digitalised economy, limiting their career options. Moreover, far fewer women than men engage in innovation or entrepreneurship, limiting women’s impact on the digital transformation. Victimisation online and cyberbullying affects women and girls disproportionately, identified as a significant risk. Difficulties in everyday functioning due to internet or social media use, known as problematic internet and social media use, is also a growing concern, especially for women. This session will therefore explore digital gender divides and mental health risks for women and girls, with a view to identifying priority areas for governments to address through targeted policy initiatives.


2 : June 11, 2024
08:30 - 09:00
Welcome coffee
Participants registration. Networking opportunities to set the tone for the day.
09:15 - 10:45
Session 4.1: Breaking down barriers: multi-sectoral approaches to support gender equality
Panel 1: The tip of the iceberg/above the water: structural barriers to gender equality This session will analyse the most persistent barriers to gender equality in the dynamic global landscape and reflect on co-ordinated, multi-sectoral approaches to tackle them. The first panel will explore the nature of structural barriers that stubbornly persist across policy areas, showcasing progress in policy action (e.g. childcare, paid parental leave and pay transparency measures) and reflect on the way forward.
10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30
Session 4.2: Breaking down barriers: multi-sectoral approaches to support gender equality
Panel 2: The bottom of the iceberg/under the water: restrictive masculinities and social norms The second panel will focus on often invisible barriers such as masculinities and social norms, which are even more pervasive. The panel will bring together diverse stakeholders to discuss collaborative solutions to gender-based violence, discriminatory social institutions, harmful social norms, unequal power relations, and gender stereotypes. Overall, the session will aim to identify shared solutions to ensure that gender equality is achieved globally. It will also emphasise the transformative impact women leaders can have in ensuring holistic, inclusive, and gender sensitive policymaking processes.
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30
Session 5: Leveraging government tools and data for inclusive global transitions
This session will delve into the critical role of policies and resource allocations in green and digital transitions and their impact on gender equality. It aims to shed light on innovative and practical tools that governments and organisations can utilise to foster gender-inclusive transitions in both environmental and digital realms. In particular, it will focus on tools such as gender impact assessments, gender budgeting and gender-sensitive public procurement, which are vital in ensuring that both green and digital shifts consider the unique needs and contributions of women and men. Additionally, the session will explore the pivotal role of data in these processes. It will emphasize the need for comprehensive, intersectional data that goes beyond gender disaggregation. This approach is essential for capturing the nuanced experiences of different groups across various social, economic, and cultural contexts, especially in the realms of environmental and technological change. The session will aim to discuss ways to make this data more accessible and relevant to policymakers. By doing so, it will seek to actively bridge the gender divide, ensuring that women are not only participants but also leaders in the green and digital transformations shaping our global future.
15:30 - 16:00
Closing ceremony - Key insights and takeaways: building the path forward
Recap of key insights and takeaways from the day: building the path forward.