GFTech: The human future: What’s on the horizon?

High impact area 3: Sustainable digitally-augmented spaces

Sep 20, 2024 | 7:35 AM - 8:30 AM

CC12 - OECD Conference Centre


Large shares of the population already spend more waking time in digital environments than not. Previously offline activities are evolving with digital dimensions, from mobile payments, tickets and identification verification, to congregating for cultural events, meetings and entertainment in virtual spaces. Surgeons are already achieving complex procedures enabled by AI-assisted telemedicine and augmented reality. Developments in connectivity and technology convergence will propagate digitally-augmented environments and the ensuing economic and social impacts. This session will bring together technologists and policymakers to scope how emerging technologies (AI, IoT, 6G, digital twins, autonomous vehicles and smart, data-enabled environments) can be expected to converge and change the spaces people will occupy in the future. It will explore governments’ priority considerations to orient these technologies to develop sustainably in line with shared goals. Technologies will be considered in terms of their anticipated impact on human spaces, while raising issues around scalability and associated costs. In addition to resource management, interdependencies and technological architectures and enablers that must be trusted to be adopted by users will also be factored.

