OECD Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum 2024

Trade and investment for the green transition

Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum & Global Forum on Trade

10-11 October 2024 | OECD Conference Centre, Paris & online

About this year's Forum

This year's joint Green Growth and Sustainable Development (or GGSD) Forum and Global Forum on Trade will explore the interplay between trade, investment and environmental outcomes. The Forum will address how trade policies can help address the triple planetary crisis by supporting the adoption of environmental goods and services (EGS) and closing the material loop for a more circular, low carbon economy. It will also discuss latest developments in measuring carbon footprints along supply chains and their policy implications, how to promote cross-border investments into low-carbon assets, the potential of trade-based measures to enhance environmental sustainability, and the implications of green industrial policies for international trade and investment. With shipping accounting for around 80% of the volume of international trade in goods, the Forum will also explore best practices and challenges for greening maritime transport. 

Register to join the sessions

Venue and travel

Where and When
The 2024 Green Growth and Sustainable Development  Forum and Global Forum on Trade will be held on 10-11 October in the OECD Conference Centre (2 Rue André Pascal, 16th arrondissement Paris) and streamed online. 

Travel and Accommodation
Click below for information on getting to the OECD, nearby hotels and Conference Centre services.

Previous GGSD Forums Read more about the Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum

Registration also now openForum on Green Finance and Investment 2024

15-16 October, OECD Conference Centre Paris & Online

Discussions for the 11th annual OECD Forum will centre around the theme ‘Shifting the financial system and strengthening enabling environments to mobilise trillions’.