OECD Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity


Florent Kirchner

Secrétariat général pour l'investissement (SGPI)

Head of the national cybersecurity strategy


Florent Kirchner is the Head of the French Cybersecurity Strategy: within the Prime Minister’s services, he is tasked with planning and coordinating investments nation-wide and in connection with European initiatives. In practice, this means – among other things – funding research, innovation, operations, incubators, commons, ecosystems, and training with the aim to building a better, more trustworthy digital future. This is part of the France2030 plan, a 54B€ investment effort overall. He holds a Masters degree from Ecole Normale Supérieure and a Ph.D from Ecole Polytechnique, both in computer science and formal methods. He worked with terrific people at NASA, SRI International, Inria, and CEA; managed one of the largest teams of applied research in software and systems engineering, and was Strategic Director for the SPARTA EU pilot program. He had the privilege of becoming an auditor at IHEDN, in the 3rd session "souveraineté numérique et cybersécurité". Florent Kirchner is passionate about supporting cyber-diversity in all its forms, setting up unexpected collaborations, and exploring emerging trends as well as timeless patterns.

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