OECD Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity


Evangelos Ouzounis

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)

Head of Policy Development and Implementation Unit


Dr. Evangelos OUZOUNIS is the head of ENISA’s Policy Development and Implementation Unit. His unit advises the Commission and Member States in the implementation of the NIS 2 Directive, as well as, other sectorial policy initiatives (e.g. DORA, eIDAS 2 and Wallets, AI Act, data protection). Dr. Ouzounis leads the NIS Sectors of the Agency. His unit has contributed to the development of the 5G Toolbox and now the Nevers Call and developed numerous good practices enhancing the resilience of the energy, rail, health, and other NIS sectors. Dr. Ouzounis is also responsible for policy development activities within ENISA. His team assists the Commission, EU Parliament, and Member States on new policy initiatives of the EU (e.g. CRA) following an evidence based approach (e.g. the NIS Investment reports). Prior to his position at ENISA, Dr. Ouzounis worked several years at the European Commission (DG Connect) and co-founded FhG - FOKUS’ Electronic Commerce Centre of Competence (ECCO) in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Ouzounis holds a Ph.D from the Technical University of Berlin and a Master in Computer Science and Engineering from the Technical University of Patras, Greece.

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