Future in flux? Global issues and national strategies for responsible quantum technology development

Future in flux? Global issues and national strategies for responsible quantum technology development


1 : November 27, 2023
12:05 - 12:25
Keynote address – The second quantum revolution: A brief explainer
Quantum technologies promise revolutionary advances, yet the science behind them remains perplexing even to experts. In this keynote address, Jim Al-Khalili will provide a high-level overview of the ongoing second quantum revolution, which leverages quantum physics effects for practical applications. Using simple terms, it will serve as a primer for the discussions to follow.
12:15 - 12:25
Keynote address – Quantum Connections: Fostering Global Collaboration through Israel's National Quantum Initiative
12:25 - 13:30
Panel discussion - Quantum computing: From hype to advantage
Quantum computing draws substantial interest, yet also generates significant hype, making it difficult for non-experts to separate the wheat from the chaff. In this session, panellists will take an honest look at the state of play and ask: What are the promises of quantum computing, and the challenges that remain to be overcome to achieve full-fledged quantum computers? Does quantum supremacy remain a distant prospect or are new approaches, such as hybrid quantum computing systems, the growing embrace of modularity, and the rise of quantum-as-a-service, already paving the way to a quantum advantage?
13:30 - 13:45
13:45 - 15:00
Breakout session - Skills & inclusiveness: The building blocks of our technological future?
This breakout session will discuss the shortage of skills that has come to represent a major and global roadblock to the quantum revolution and other emerging technologies. Participants will be invited to share their perspectives and policy recommendations for upskilling workers and enabling them to benefit from advancements in quantum technologies. The session will further highlight the need to encourage participation from diverse geographies to address divides and achieve an inclusive technological future.
Breakout session - From QKD to quantum teleportation: Towards a quantum internet?
In this breakout session, participants will discuss the advent of ultra-secure networks thanks to cryptography via the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) method and assess the extent to which continued innovation may help scale this technology and address its enduring limitations. Discussions will ultimately seek to identify some of the key policy challenges in the field of quantum communication and explore the prospects of the so-called “quantum internet”, which promises to harness quantum entanglement to connect quantum devices and effectively teleport information.


2 : November 28, 2023
00:00 - 00:20
Flash talks – A future in flux: Towards a quantum leap in responsible technology development
These flash talks from the head of responsible innovation of a leading national research centre and a philosopher specialising in the societal impacts of quantum technologies will shed light on the need to combine ambition, purpose, and inclusiveness to drive forward responsible quantum technology development.
12:20 - 12:30
Keynote address – Shaping vibrant innovation ecosystems: Insights from the technological edge
Recognised as the leading architect of the world-renowned Israeli innovation ecosystem, Professor Kandel will share important insights and lessons from experience on the shaping of a vibrant innovation ecosystem supportive of cutting-edge technology developments.
12:30 - 13:30
Breakout session - Sensing potential: An overlooked revolution in measurement?
Quantum sensing technologies appear to receive comparatively little public attention, despite advancing at a rapid pace. In this breakout session, participants will highlight their substantial potential in various domains, such as the medical field, and discuss how policy-makers can support their responsible development and deployment. The session will thereby seek to explore whether technological advances in quantum sensing warrant greater policy attention to harness their benefits, while mitigating their risks.
Breakout session - Shaping technological leadership: Charting national plans for emerging technologies
In this breakout session, participants will discuss national strategies in quantum and other emerging technologies. The Chair will open the discussions by sharing expert insights on how to shape national plans and strategies on emerging technologies, before inviting participants to share best practices, identify solutions to common pitfalls, and ultimately learn from one another in pursuing values-based approaches to technology development.
13:30 - 13:45
13:45 - 15:00
Panel discussion - Towards a quantum-safe future: Joining forces to advance scientific progress and responsible technology development
This plenary session will delve into the security implications of post-quantum cryptography and discuss how to ensure collective safety in the post-quantum era. It will provide an opportunity to emphasize the critical need to modernise standards and protocols in cryptography, and explore how global cooperation, knowledge exchanges, and multi-stakeholder partnerships can help advance scientific progress, foster responsible quantum technology development, and pave the way to a quantum-safe future for all.