Future in flux? Global issues and national strategies for responsible quantum technology development


Veronica Fernandez-Marmol

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Tenured scientist


Veronica Fernandez-Marmol is a Senior Scientist at the Spanish National Research Council, CSIC, Spain, where she works at the Cryptography and Information Security Group at the Institute of Physical and Information Technologies. Veronica leads the Quantum Communication Laboratory of CSIC, an integrator hub of different experimental quantum key distribution lines, such as discrete and continuous variable QKD, for air/space applications and fibre terrestrial networks, respectively, as well as new quantum communication protocols, such as measurement device-independent in free space, and integrated photonic QKD. She has published more than 50 scientific contributions on the subject, she is one of the coordinators of the Quantum Technologies Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (QTEP) of CSIC, with more than 35 participating groups in different disciplines of quantum technologies. She is also the Spanish representative of the advisory committee of the satellite optical communications, “Scylight” program, from the European Space Agency; and coordinates CSIC’s contribution to develop and deploy the Spanish Quantum Communication Infrastructure through both the Complementary Plan of Quantum Communication by the Science and Innovation Ministry of Spain, and the European (Digital Europe Program) project Euro-QCI SPAIN.

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