John Goold

Trinity College Dublin



John Goold is a Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research is focused on the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems with a specific focus on many-body physics. Over the last decade he has made seminal contributions to the field of quantum thermodynamics and has collaborated with several top experimental groups proposing novel ways to extract non-equilibrium thermodynamic quantities. In 2018, he founded my research group QuSys at Trinity College Dublin. His group has developed and used a wide variety of theoretical and numerical tools to describe the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of closed and open quantum systems. The groups work particularly focuses on the applications of tools from non-equilibrium thermodynamics to many-body physics. In recent years he has been working on quantum simulation and has founded and currently directs the Trinity Quantum Alliance which is an institute that fosters collaborations between the private sector and the academic community in quantum science. Furthermore, he established a vibrant MSc program in Quantum Science and Technology at Trinity.

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