8th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment


Jochen Krimphoff

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Initiative Lead Sustainable Debt Capital Markets


Jochen Krimphoff, is the Initiative Lead Sustainable Debt Capital Markets of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), where he leads the WWF’s advocacy on sustainable debt capital markets. He is an environmental economist by training, and has been in WWF since 2008, spanning different achievements as recently co-authoring a WWF publication entitled “Can debt capital markets save the planet?”, representing WWF on the EC-mandated Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) since 2018 and serving as WWF Sherpa on the Platform on Sustainable Finance since 2020. Mr. Krimphoff has more than 20 years of experience in sustainable finance and investment as a NGO representative, and policy advisor for international financial institutions and public and private organisations. Over the years Mr. Krimphoff has helped design several sustainable finance policies, innovative financial mechanisms and instruments and contributed to the development of green markets (including green bonds; conservation finance; carbon markets, etc ).

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