2024 OECD Infrastructure Forum


Gillian Dorner


Deputy Director


Gillian Dorner is Deputy Director in the Public Governance Directorate of the OECD. She has served at the OECD since December 2020, first as Senior Counsellor in the GOV Director’s Office and then as Deputy Director. The Directorate for Public Governance works to help governments at all levels design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative policies to strengthen public governance. This includes regulatory policy; open, innovative and digital government; public employment and skills; public sector integrity; budgeting and public expenditures; infrastructure and public procurement, monitoring and evaluation, risk management. Gillian has an extensive knowledge of the work of the Public Governance Directorate, as well a strong strategic vision of its priorities, having led work to structure and enhance the Directorate’s impact over recent years, including through the design and delivery of the Public Governance Committee’s Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy Initiative. Prior to joining the OECD, Gillian served as a UK senior civil servant as Deputy Director Financial Services Regulation at Her Majesty’s Treasury. She also has deep international experience, having represented the UK on multiple boards and committees, including as Vice Chair of the OECD Financial Markets Committee and having held several positions focused on International and EU economic and finance policy, including as an Advisor to the OECD Secretary-General and in several positions in HM Treasury and the UK Cabinet Office, as well as a period on loan to the French Treasury. Ms Dorner, a British national, holds a Master’s degree in French and European Studies from the University of Edinburgh (UK) and a Diploma in EU Construction from the Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales (France).

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