Innovative approaches for future-ready adult learning systems


Anja Meierkord


Labour Market Economist


Anja Meierkord is a Labour Market Economist at the OECD, where her work focuses on changing skill needs in the context of longer working lives, accelerating technological change and globalisation, and what governments can do to prepare for these changes. For the past decade, she has helped different levels of government make evidence-based decisions in employment, education and social policy. Prior to joining the OECD in 2017, she was Associate Director at the research consultancy Ecorys in London where she advised UK and European institutions on education and skill policy. She has also worked for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Dublin and the Administration of the Berlin Senate. Anja holds an MSc in Social Policy from the London School of Economics, a PGCert in Econometrics from Birkbeck College London and a BA in Politics and Administration from the University of Constance (Germany).
