2023 OECD Sustainable Investment Days


Jimena Chinchilla

Ministry of Foreign Trade, Costa Rica

Deputy Director, Directorate of Investment and Cooperation


Jimena Chinchilla is an expert on fiscal matters and investment policy, she has experience in investment promotion, tax advisory and government relations, and has a highly developed understanding of the business climate and competitiveness issues. She was designated as Deputy Director of the Foreign Investment Division at the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica in April 2023. Prior to her assignment, she was a technical advisor in the same division, from where she exercised active roles as coordinator of the agenda on incentives and tax matters impacting investment. Jimena also worked for many years as a tax advisor to multinational companies, which provided her with a holistic view between the needs of the private business sector and the public policy needed to attract and retain foreign direct investment. Ms. Chinchilla has a degree in Law and a specialization in Tax Law from the University of Costa Rica.