2023 OECD Sustainable Investment Days


Lisa Kubiske

State Department, United States

Ambassador, American Partnership


Ambassador Lisa Kubiske is co-chief negotiator for the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP), a presidential initiative announced at the 2022 Summit of the Americas. Prior to this role, Ambassador Kubiske spent over 30 years at the U.S. Department of State, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Ambassador Kubiske served as Ambassador to Honduras; Deputy Chief of Mission and Chargé in Brazil; Deputy Chief of Mission in the Dominican Republic; and in various assignments in Mexico and China. In Washington DC, Ambassador Kubiske served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Finance and Development, and as a staff officer in the Executive Secretariat and later for State’s Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment; and on the China desk. At USTR, she was an investment treaty negotiator and director. At USDA, she was the lead economic analyst in the International Economics Division working on Brazil, Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Ambassador Kubiske has lectured and written on diplomacy, leadership, globalization, and other topics. She received the U.S. Department of State’s highest award for earthquake relief in Mexico, as well as other, subsequent awards. The Honduran president, congress, and military, as well as Honduran non-government groups also awarded her honors. Ambassador Kubiske has a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brandeis University. She spent a year abroad in Lima, Peru at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru.