2023 OECD Sustainable Investment Days


Datuk Bahria Mohd Tamil

Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry, Malaysia

Deputy Secretary General (Management & Investment)


Datuk Bahria is the Deputy Secretary General (Management & Investment) at the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI) Malaysia. Datuk Bahria accumulated vast experience in the realm of international trade and industry development as she has been serving the same ministry for more than 24 years since 1996. Among her notable previous roles at MITI include her directorship at both the Special Task Force on Service Delivery (PEMUDAH) Secretariat Office and the Entrepreneurship Development Division. She was also the Minister of Economic Affairs at MITI Tokyo from December 2006 until December 2009. Datuk Bahria obtained her L.L.B. in Business Law (Hons) from Coventry University, United Kingdom in 1993. Later in 2006, she secured the M.A. in International Relations from Waseda University, Japan.