2023 OECD Sustainable Investment Days


Lydia Alessio - Vernì

Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa, Friuli Venezia Giulia - Investment Development Agency

General Director


Ms. Lydia Alessio – Vernì is the General Director of Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa. This is a regional body that aims at linking regional public policies relevant for job creation, training and entrepreneurship as well as developing foreign direct investments in the Region and supporting regional companies to further develop. She also is a member of the European Commission Expert Group of the Community of Practice on Partnership provided for in the European Code of Conduct on Partnership. In addition, Ms. Alessio – Vernì is a scientific referee for CUOA business school for the executive master 'Implementing the PNRR', where she brings experience in managing EU funds and a willingness to transfer knowledge for the best success of the Plan. She has been working for the Region for the past 20 years and she has been covering executive roles since 2008.