2023 OECD Sustainable Investment Days


Kentaro Ogata

Ministry of Finance, Japan

Deputy Director-General of the International Bureau


Kentaro Ogata, Deputy Director-General of the International Bureau, also Chair of G7 Digital Payment Expert Group, assumed the current position in July 2023 after serving as Deputy Vice Minister for International Affairs (2021-2023), Director of Planning and Administration (2020) and Director of International Organizations (2018-2020, in charge of IMF matters as well as the G20 Finance Track under the Japanese presidency) of the International Bureau. As finance deputy’s deputy (acting), he oversees G7 and G20 matters. Prior to these, he assumed several director positions in the Tax Bureau (2014-2017, in charge of international tax policy) as well as in the International Bureau (in charge of foreign exchange markets and development issues). He worked twice at the IMF (Fiscal Affairs Department) from 2001 to 2005 and from 2010 to 2013, where he served as fiscal economist in country teams (Timor-Leste, Kosovo and Kyrgyz Republic), participated in technical assistance missions (Cambodia, Estonia, Mexico and Slovakia; and Moldova as mission chief). He has extensive experience in international tax issues, covering domestic legislations, bilateral tax treaties and multilateral discussions, particularly on OECD’s base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project. He holds a Bachelor of Law (LLB) from the University of Tokyo (1992) and an MBA from University of Maryland (1996).