OECD Local Skills Week 2024: Talent for the twin transitions


Jakub Stolfa

Automotive Skills Alliance



Jakub is the president of the Automotive Skills Alliance, the large-scale partnership focusing on collaboration on the skills agenda in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem. He is also an academic staff member at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, where he also has received his Ph.D. His focus is mainly on up-/re-skilling activities in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem and in related other Ecosystems. He and his team coordinated the DRIVES project, the Blueprint project for the Automotive sector, and led the WP in the ALBATTS project, the Blueprint project for Batteries for the Electromobility sector. He has experience in strategic development, project/program management, development of training and education programs, skills intelligence, and technical background in Informatics and Mechatronics in the Automotive-Mobility ecosystem.

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