OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial


Rainer Sodtke

Biodiversa+ European Biodiversity Partnership



Dr. Rainer Sodtke is a geo-ecologist and Doctor of Science with 30 years’ professional experience in the fields of biodiversity, ecology, agriculture and forestry as well as in environmental and agricultural policy, modelling and decision support. Rainer is senior scientific officer and scientific programme manager at the DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT), Germany. He manages national and European research programmes in global change research, supports and advises German Federal Ministries (BMBF, BMUV), and represents the ministries in regional, national, and international committees. He has been involved in the BiodivERsA network since 2008 and was managing biodiversity research funding on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In 2018-2021 he developed and was the main contact point for BMBF’s Research Initiative for the Conservation of Biodiversity (FEdA). Furthermore, he is member of the German IPBES Coordination Office, where he is particularly active in the national review of IPBES assessment drafts as well as in matters related to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In Biodiversa+ he is acting as a co-chair and also leading Work Package 5 on the Internationalisation of the European Biodiversity Partnership.

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