OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial


Radovan Fuchs


Minister of Science and Education


Radovan Fuchs Minister of Science and Education Curriculum vitae  Dr. Sc. Radovan Fuchs, professor,  born 5 September 1953 in Zagreb,  married, father of two children. Education  1987 – doctorate in biomedical sciences in the areas of pharmacology and toxicology, Biomedical Centre, Uppsala, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden,  1985 – master’s degree in biomedical sciences, University of Zagreb,  1978 – graduated at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Zagreb. Career  2012 – assistant to the director for international cooperation, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health,  2018 - 2019 – special adviser to the President of the Government of the Republic of Croatia,  2009 - 2012 – Minister of Science, Education and Sports,  2008 - 2009 – Secretary of State, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports,  2004 - 2008 – assistant to the Minister, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports,  2001 - 2003 – science adviser, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health,  2000 - 2001 – director, state-owned enterprise ZGOS,  1993 - 2000 – assistant to the Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology,  1991 - 1993 – research associate – researcher, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health,  1988 - 1993 – senior research associate – head researcher, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health,  1985 - 1987 – research assistant, Biomedical Centre, Uppsala, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden,  1979 - 1984 – research assistant, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health. 2 Party Duties  member of the chairpersons of the Science and Education Committee of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ),  member of the Croatian Democratic Union. Languages  English,  Russian,  German. Other  Published over 100 original scientific papers,  Co-authored 11 books in the fields of science and research, 10 of which were internationally published.